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Convocatorias pasadas
Spanish Italian Medicinal Chemistry Congress
XI Jornadas de la SEQT: Nano and Biotechnology in Drug Discovery and Development
Malaga, 16-17 Octubre 2014
IV Summer School SEQT-GSK: Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Discovery: The Pharma Perspective"
25-27 de Junio de 2014 (Tres Cantos, Madrid)
XXIII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (ISMC 2014)
Lisboa, 7-11 de Septiembre, 2014
XVII SEQT National Meeting: “Advances In Drug Discovery: Successes, Trends And Future Challenges”
Madrid, 2-4 Octubre 2013
III Escuela de verano de la SEQT: Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Discovery: The Pharma Perspective"
25-27 de Junio de 2013 (Tres Cantos, Madrid)
X Jornadas de la SEQT: "Highlights in Drug Discovery From Academia to Industry"
25-26 de octubre de 2012. Segovia (Spain)
XXII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (ISMC 2012)
Berlin, 2-6 de septiembre, 2012
XVI Congreso SEQT: From a classical to a New Age in Medicinal Chemistry
SEQT Second Summer School on Medicinal Chemistry: The pharma perspective
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 26-29 de junio 2011