
Job offers

List of Jobs on the SEQT portal

Please find below a list of job offers in the field of medicinal chemistry. To submit a job offer, please send an e-mail to seqt(ELIMINAR)

  • 09/12/2024 Doctoral Researcher

    University of Marburg, Germany
    Department of Chemistry, Germany

  • 19/11/2024 Predoctoral contract

    Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña (IQAC-CSIC)
    Barcelona, Spain

  • 12/11/2024 Contract at UAH

    Centro de Química Aplicada y Biotecnología (U. de Alcalá de Henares)
    Madrid, Spain

  • 25/10/2024 Predoctoral Contract

    Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas, CSIC
    Sevilla, Spain

  • 22/10/2024 Predoctoral Contract

    Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIC-CSIC)
    Madrid, Spain

  • 17/10/2024 Predoctoral contract

    Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC)
    Barcelona, Spain

  • 15/10/2024 FPI PhD position

    Universidad Pompeu Fabra
    Barcelona, Spain

  • 11/10/2024 Contract in Celtarys

    Celtarys Research
    Santiago de Compostela, Spain

  • 11/10/2024 Predoctoral contract

    Medicinal Chemistry Institute (CSIC)
    Madrid, Spain

  • 25/09/2024 Two PhD position within the framework of the Marie Curie Doctoral network
    Turin University, Italy